Cryptocurrencies continuously arouse interest among many Internet users. After the initial boom, the subject continues to be hot, and sometimes its popularity even increases, fuelled by constant speculations. Are you wondering if investing in cryptocurrencies is something for you? Are you tempted by high profits, but at the same time afraid of financial risk? Do you think that in order to become an investor you need a lot of knowledge in the field of economy or IT technology? You are wrong about the latter. Of course, knowledge in these fields is very useful when investing your capital in digital currencies, but it is not necessary. Why? There are several reasons for this.

First of all, the world of cryptocurrency is quite a safe area of the Internet. Built on the basis of blockchain technology, web page security is practically impossible to hack. On the other hand, the user verification required on an increasing number of platforms helps to prevent possible financial fraud. Additionally, decentralization – one of the key principles underlying this technology – allows the system to function efficiently in technical terms.

However, before you start your adventure with cryptocurrencies, it is worth to learn as much as possible about them, and following information related to the subject in the mass media can help. This article will shed some light on the NEO cryptocurrency.

Description and information about Crypto Currency NEO

NEO is both a cryptocurrency and a platform based on open source blockchain technology. It enables its users to create a highly scalable network for decentralized applications (so-called dApps), smart contracts and development of digital resources, among other things.

The brand was rebranded in 2017 and has evolved from the former AntShares (ANS) into the current NEO name. This is the first Chinese project of its kind, and because of the similarity of functions and the use of certain patterns similar to another platform, NEO is sometimes called “Chinese Ethereum”. But is NEO truly a duplicate of Ethereum? This would be too much of a simplification. There are some important differences between these systems. In NEO, for example, there is no possibility to mine the digital currency and the consensus is based on the Proof of Stake principle (and not, as in the case of Ethereum, on the Proof of Work algorithm). Nevertheless, NEO is also a multifunctional blockchain platform with aspirations to match its western version. Perhaps even in some respects it has already outdone its more popular counterpart? For example, the platform provides a lot of facilities for programmers, allowing them to use multiple programming languages.

Where and how to start investing in NEO Crypto Currency?

As mentioned above, the NEO platform does not provide options for cryptocurrency mining. Therefore, those interested in investing in this product must first purchase it. Where can you buy the NEO virtual currency? Currently, its sold on exchanges such as Binance or HitBTC. For beginner investors, choosing Binance seems to be a good option. This platform is user-friendly and moving around it is largely intuitive. It is easy to deposit a fiduciary currency and exchange it into the NEO digital currency.


Reviews for NEO Crypto Currency. What do they write in the forum and in the press?

Experts believe that the NEO platform is currently one of the most advanced ecosystems based on blockchain technology. Compared to other systems that also use Proof of Stake algorithm, NEO is much faster. Its processing power reaches 1 000 transactions per second.

Platform users also appreciate its reliable speed. Moreover, programmers using NEO pay attention to the facilities offered by the platform. NEO is compatible with many programming languages, such as JavaScript, C, C++, Go or Python.

Where and how to buy NEO? What Stock Exchange will be the best?

Currently, the purchase of the NEO cryptocurrency is offered by exchanges such as Binance, Bitfinex, or ZB. It is easy to buy this product for the most popular fiduciary currencies, such as Euro (EUR) or Dollars (USD). Which exchange to choose in order to buy and trade NEO? This question should be answered individually. If you do not own any cryptocurrencies, it is best to choose an exchange that offers the opportunity to deposit fiduciary currencies and exchange them into digital currencies. The lack of necessity to move between the exchanges will shorten certain processes considerably. It is certainly worth paying attention to additional payments. Does the exchange charge commission on deposits and withdrawals? How much interest does it charge on each transaction? You can find exchanges that charge as little as 0.1%.

Reliable sources for checking NEO rates

The NEO cryptocurrency rates are currently available on 35 cryptocurrency exchanges. Apart from them, it is worth following professional sources related to the topic, such as renowned blogs devoted to the subject of cryptocurrencies. Such content is often complemented by market analysis and forecast of future price fluctuations. Cryptobots are also useful for detailed and ongoing analysis of the market situation. These automated tools allow you to stay alert at all times and conclude the most advantageous transactions.

The top of the NEO (ATH) charts rose on 15.01.2018 when the value of shares reached 196.85 dollars. The digital currency NEO was then in the top ten of capitalised cryptocurrency projects. The capitalization exceeded 12 billion dollars. Currently, the B2BX exchange has the largest trading volume of about 45%. The most popular is the NEO – Bitcoin pair.

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