Category: Blog

controlling cryptocurrency transactions

A new tool from Chainalysis that prevents the bypassing of sanctions

Chainalysis, a well-known company specializing in Blockchain network data analysis, is currently working on software to monitor compliance with economic sanctions. The idea behind the project is to bring exchanges and DeFi systems under greater regulatory supervision. In This Article: Exchanges under supervision Tracking software…


Will Russia accept payments in BTC?

The chairman for energy of the State Duma, Pavel Zavalny, told the media that the Russian Federation could trade with “friendly” countries in national currencies or bitcoins. In This Article: Payment in cryptocurrency “Friendly” and “unfriendly” countries Cryptocurrency policy change Payment in cryptocurrency At a…


New guidelines from the British Advertising Standards Authority

In response to the content of past ads promoting cryptocurrencies, the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority has formulated new guidelines that service providers in the sector must follow. In This Article: ASA appeal The contents of new regulations Deadline: 2nd of May FCA ordered the shutdown…

cryptocurrency miners

An oil company will use energy from wells for mining

The Canadian oil company Bengal Energy wants to use excess energy from gas wells to mine bitcoin. Moreover, it intends to concentrate 70 BTC miners in a portable building near Cooper Basin. In This Article: Demand for alternative energy sources The Bengal Energy initiative Coal…

cryptocurrency exchanges

Binance will not block Russian users’ accounts

Binance, one of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange platforms, will not block Russian users’ accounts. The company’s CEO says doing so would be unethical. On this page Sanctions on Russia Binance complies with sanctions imposed on Russia Refusals from other exchanges Sanctions on Russia The…

private wallets

Will the EP prohibit transactions using private wallets?

There are debates taking place in the European Parliament on the regulation of the cryptocurrency market. New rules could deprive private wallet users of the right to carry out transactions using them. On this page Regulations in the cryptocurrency market A new controversial project Further…

BTC education center

Bitcoin’s first education center is coming soon

The first education center dedicated entirely to BTC will be established in El Salvador. The initiative aims to spread knowledge about the world’s most famous cryptocurrency. The relationship between El Salvador and Bitcoin has been known for a long time: it is there that BTC…

Cryptocurrency transactions in the US

Cryptocurrencies in US banks?

About three hundred banks in the United States plan to incorporate bitcoin trading using mobile apps into their service. This is to address the growing interest in cryptocurrencies among customers. According to preliminary estimates, about three hundred banks across the United States intend to introduce…